Atom's Mini eBooks & Newsletters

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The mini series are generally shorter 'Nice Price' e-books focusing on specific subjects, organs, ailments, … If a title shows no ZELLE/PayPal button, click/tap on the title or a provided link to jump to the book.

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New in 2024…!

Solar Timing Related Quotes (2024)

$9.99(28 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF)


©2024 by Atom Bergstrom. All rights reserved.

Why is TIMING so important? Here is a collection of quotes explaining the concept from various sources and perspectives, including the I Ching, Edward R. Dewey & Og Mandino, Dr. Emanuel Revici, Gay Gaer Luce, Leon Chaitlow, Arthur Zajonc, Dr. John T. Richter & Vera M. Richter, Kurt Schnaubelt, Valerie Gennari Cooksley, Dr. J.E. Phillips, Dr. Andrew Weil, John Ott, Dr. Josef Deck, Dr. Michael H. Smolensky, Dr. Erwin Bunning, Dr. Dwight L. McKee, Ecclesiastes, etc., etc.


Carbon Dioxide: Nose-breathing & Beyond (2019)

This former mini-ebook has been expanded and is now here.

Magnesium: The Good, The Bad, & The Valid (2019)

This former mini-ebook has been expanded and is now here.


The Akashic Grapevine Butterfly Chronicles (2018)

$9.99(45 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF)


©2018 by Atom Bergstrom. All rights reserved.

The Akashic Grapevine Butterfly Chronicles (Abridged) contains selections from an ongoing diary I kept as a student at the Texas College of Reflex Sciences (later renamed the Texas Institute of Reflex Sciences due to state law). This college/institute was actually an esoteric Mystery School dedicated to preserving and perpetrating esoteric knowledge not readily available to the "general public." Our teachers included Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty), Margaret Berry, and Steve Shiver.

The Terminology of Pop Drugs (2018)

$9.99(16 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF)


©2018 by Atom Bergstrom. All rights reserved.

This "trip" down Memory Lane highlights the vocabulary of drug use in the 1960s. It was originally a college paper written 49 years ago. More than a few San Francisco university professors ended up with their own copy back in 1969. Much of the drug jargon used back then is still in use today.

Metabolic Personality Test (2018)

$9.99(16 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF)


©2018 by Atom Bergstrom. All rights reserved.

Are you a Sympathetic Dominant Personality Type or are you a Parasympathetic Dominant Personality Type? Or are you somewhere in between? Answer these 58 questions to help you find out. In addition to the test are several Appendices explaining some of Atom's reasons for cultivating the Sympathetic Nervous System (dopamine & adrenaline) rather than the Parasympathetic Nervous System (opiates & opioids).


Gold As Feces & Self-Hate (Among Other Things) (2017)

$9.99(20 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB; MOBI)


©2017 by Atom Bergstrom. All rights reserved.

Civilization is toilet training. It's the archetype of soldiers or convicts forced to clean the latrine with toothbrushes. "We are gods with anuses," according to Ernest Becker in his 1973 Pulitzer Prize-winning book, The Denial of Death. The goose that laid the golden egg (paydirt, filthy lucre, stinking rich) is a throwback to Freud's second stage of psychosexual development — the anal stage (18 months to 3 years). Miserliness and constipation go hand in hand. The same goes for unrestrained borrowing and diarrhea. "Death is the prototype of defilement." Ninety-nine percent of humanity is unconscious, a significant percentage of people never resolving their toilet training, and living and ending their lives as anal-retentive or anal-expulsive personalities. The biggest roadblock to consciousness is thinking you are already conscious. The biggest barricade to enlightenment is thinking you have already taken the "red pill."

The Potato: This Spud's For You!
White Super-Foods Need Love Too (2017)

$9.99(16 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB; MOBI)


The carbs in white food have been under attack by many "health food" sources, and white potatoes have been unfortunately lumped into this category. Nothing could be further from the truth when it comes to the "common" white potato — it's actually a super-food. Most other super-foods aren't even an also-ran when it comes to Solanum tuberosum, this edible tuber 's official name. It's packed with quality protein (some say 105 on the Biological Value protein scale, compared to an egg at 100). Are raw potatoes OK to eat? What about potato poisons like solanine and chaconine? Is a potato "safe" to eat without butter (or other oils or fats)? The answers are in The Potato: This Spud's For You!

VITAMIN D — The Sunshine Vitamin (2017)

This former mini-ebook has been expanded and is now here.

Red Light & Longevity — Color-Coding High Level Wellness (2017)

$9.99(18 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB; MOBI)


If you're looking for fairy dust about red light's healing powers, there are plenty of other sources, often selling you their let's-cash-out-on-this-fad red light arrays or devices for exorbitant prices. Many of these gizmos are not worth a tinker's red cent, being cobbled together out of whatever is available such as taillight LEDs with random frequencies. (Know the source and follow the money.) Red light is a benefit to wellness and longevity, but it won't wash your windshield and shine your shoes. Learn the actual virtues of red light from someone who doesn't have any arrays or devices (or even a dollar light bulb) to sell you.

Too Much Iodine? — Be Wary Of the Heaviest Halogen (2017)

$9.99(14 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB; MOBI)


Iodine is a miracle element, but a very subtle one. A tadpole remains a tadpole for life without a tiny dose. But think of iodine as a virtual fiber-optic wrench, small enough to manipulate single atoms, not an oversized pipe wrench requiring he-man strength to wield. Iodine abuse is rampant in the Western world, causing more health problems than it helps. Too much of a good thing is a bad thing — no Yin without Yang. Just what is a safe amount of iodine per day anyway? It's much lower than you might have guessed. 1 review

  • Jean: A book of this size can't cover "All about Iodine" but is concentrating on the required amount and possible effects (good and bad) of Iodine ingestion and supplementation. Before reading, I already knew of 2 or 3 sources giving warnings, but little did I know…! :-o
Medical Nemesis 2.0 Chronicles

Medical Nemesis 2.0 Chronicles #1 (Mar. 2021)

$9.99(37 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


Medical Nemesis 2.0 —> The Medical Police State must be dismantled. Most of the world's hospitals must be demolished. Politicians don't rule the world. Medical technocrats do. The Tipping Point was in 1913. Medical Nemesis 2.0 was inspired by Ivan Illich, who wrote (in 1973, 47 years ago), "Medical care concentrated on breeding a human stock that was fit only for domesticated life within an increasingly more costly, man-made, scientifically controlled environment. One of the main speakers at the 1970 AMA convention exhorted her pediatric colleagues to consider each newborn baby as a PATIENT until the child could be entitled as healthy. Hospital-born, formula-fed, antibiotic-stuffed children thus grow into adults who can breathe the air, eat the food, and survive the lifelessness of a modern city, who will breed and raise at almost any cost a generation even more dependent on medicine."

Almost everything that mainstream medicine and alternative medicine have stated and printed — from textbooks to diet books — is FALSE. You are being lied to on all sides while your wallet or pocketbook is being picked of your hard-earned money!

Mind Hacking Newsletters

MIND HACKING Newsletter #1 (Apr. 2021)

$9.99(25 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


Contents —> (1) Santa Barbara New Medicine, (2) Anger Management, (3) Rejection Of the Mother, (4) Hysterical Tympanitis, (5) Mind to Mindset Via Emotions, (6) Splitting Up Of the Mind, (7) Traumatic Memories, (8) Mind Hacking & Exorcism, (9) Don't Jinx It!, (10) Witchcraft & Voodoo, (11) Disintermediation, (12) The Jewel Within.

MIND HACKING Newsletter is a newsletter/mini-book devoted to both the powers and the weaknesses of the Mind-Body Connection. It can be enjoyed by people unfamiliar with Mind Hacking and the Cornerstone Technique, or, combined with Mind Hacking e-books and videos, can be used as a COURSE OF STUDY for those drawn to an extraordinary method of alternative healing and/or a new career.

As a course, the how-to-do-it text to study is (A) Mind Hacking for the Millions and the how-to-do-it (B) video goes by the same title; (C) Color Recycling and (D) Compendium of Body Language Anatomy are relevant texts. For those fascinated with the more woo-woo aspects of the human/universal mind, (E) Mesmerism and Miracles is the comprehensive volume.

Mind Over Matter Journals

Mind Over Matter Journal #11 (Apr. 2024)

$9.99(27 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF)


MIND OVER MATTER JOURNAL #11 (Apr. 2024), in the tradition of issues 1-10, covers diverse MIND-RELATED subjects, including, but not limited to —> Animal Magnetism, Biofeedback, Body Language, Brainwashing, Color Recycling, Creative Visualization, Curanderismo, Devotional Ecstasy, Dowsing, Entheogens, Extrasensory Perception, Fourth Way Philosophy, Gurdjieffian Approximations, Hive Mind, Hypnotism, Laws of Attraction, Lucid Dreaming, Mass Formation Psychosis, The Matrix Allegory, Meditation, Mesmerism, Mind Hacking, Muscle Response Testing, Morphic Resonance, Mythology, Organ Language, Parapsychology, Placebo Power, Positive Thinking, Propaganda, Psychiatry, Psychology, Pupilometrics, Qi Gong, Radionics, Rebirthing (& Prebirthing), Self-Healing, Semiotics, Sexology, Sleepwalking, Spiritual Science (for want of a better term), Subliminal Perception, Synchronicity, Tai Chi, Transpersonal Psychology, Yoga, etc. <> MIND over MEAT is the theme ... anything and everything goes from standard Neo-Freudian Psychology to the farthest reaches of The Matrix and Mass Mind Control (including Escape Strategies, of course).

Contents —> (1) Compassion From the Sky. (2) Spirit of the Mob. (3) The Era of Crowds. (4) War & Death & Disunity. (5) A Calculating Will Is not Free. (6) Mommy & Daddy Traumas. (7) Isabella's Psychic Powers #1. (8) Isabella's Psychic Powers #2. (9) Isabella's Psychic Powers #3. (10) Isabella's Psychic Powers #4. (11) Isabella's Psychic Powers #5. (12) Mind Hacking Miscellany.

Mind Over Matter Journal #10 (Aug. 2023)

$9.99(27 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF)


MIND OVER MATTER JOURNAL #10, in the tradition of issues 1 through 9, covers diverse MIND-RELATED subjects, including, but not limited to —> Animal Magnetism, Biofeedback, Body Language, Brainwashing, Color Recycling, Creative Visualization, Curanderismo, Devotional Ecstasy, Dowsing, Engrams, Entheogens, ESP, Fourth Way Philosophy, Gurdjieff, Hive Mind, Hypnotism, Laws of Attraction, Lucid Dreaming, The Matrix Allegory, Mass Formation Psychosis, Meditation, Mesmerism, MIND HACKING, Muscle Response Testing, Morphic Resonance, Mythology, Organ Language, Parapsychology, Placebo Power, Positive Thinking, Propaganda, Psychiatry, Psychology, Pupilometrics, Qi Gong, Radionics, Rebirthing (& Prebirthing), Self-Healing, Semiotics, Sexology, Sleepwalking, Spiritual Science (for want of a better term), Subliminal Perception, Synchronicity, Tai Chi, Transpersonal Psychology, Yoga, etc. <> MIND over MEAT is the theme ... anything and everything goes from standard Neo-Freudian Psychology to the farthest reaches of The Matrix and Mass Mind Control (including Escape Strategies, naturally).

Contents —> (1) Five Element Thinking. (2) Gunshot Cure For Deafness? (3) A Sanative Contagion. (4) Food For Power. (5) Jeff Scott Had Charisma. (6) Hair Can Stand on End. (7) Sexual Interest In Feet. (8) The Masses vs Mass Formation. (9) More Mass Psychosis. (10) Mind Hacking Q & A. (11) Autosuggestion. (12) More Greg Whiteley.

Mind Over Matter Journal #9 (Jul. 2023)

$9.99(25 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF)


MIND OVER MATTER JOURNAL #9, in the tradition of issues 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8, covers diverse MIND-RELATED subjects, including, but not limited to —> Animal Magnetism, Biofeedback, Body Language, Brainwashing, Color Recycling, Creative Visualization, Curanderismo, Devotional Ecstasy, Dowsing, Entheogens, Extrasensory Perception, Fourth Way Philosophy, Gurdjieffian Approximations, Hive Mind, Hypnotism, Laws of Attraction, Lucid Dreaming, The Matrix Allegory, Mass Psychogenic Illness, Meditation, Mesmerism, MIND HACKING, Muscle Response Testing, Morphic Resonance, Mythology, Organ Language, Parapsychology, Placebo Power, Positive Thinking, Propaganda, Psychiatry, Psychology, Pupilometrics, Qi Gong, Radionics, Rebirthing (& Prebirthing), Self-Healing, Semiotics, Sexology, Sleepwalking, Spiritual Science (for want of a better term), Subliminal Perception, Synchronicity, Tai Chi, Transpersonal Psychology, Yoga, etc. <> MIND over MEAT is the theme ... anything and everything goes from standard Neo-Freudian Psychology to the farthest reaches of The Matrix and Mass Mind Control (including Escape Strategies, naturally).

Contents —> (1) Hysterical Gas. (2) Mental Epidemics. (3) Dances & Pilgrimages. (4) Mesmeric Sleep Waking. (5) Esoteric Pituitary. (6) Sexy Sucking & Shitting. (7) Dissociative Identity Disorder. (8) Nancy Moore & More. (9) Labile Meridian Points. (10) Who Was Swami Nitty-Gritty?. (11) Other Than Monthly Menstruation. (12) Prosperity Pointers.

Mind Over Matter Journal #8 (Jun. 2023)

$9.99(31 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF)


MIND OVER MATTER JOURNAL #8 (Jun. 2023), in the tradition of issues 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6, covers diverse MIND-RELATED subjects, including, but not limited to —> Animal Magnetism, Biofeedback, Body Language, Brainwashing, Color Recycling, Creative Visualization, Curanderismo, Devotional Ecstasy, Dowsing, Entheogens, Extrasensory Perception, Fourth Way Philosophy, Gurdjieffian Approximations, Hive Mind, Hypnotism, Laws of Attraction, Lucid Dreaming, The Matrix Allegory, Mass Psychogenic Illness, Meditation, Mesmerism, MIND HACKING, Muscle Response Testing, Morphic Resonance, Mythology, Organ Language, Parapsychology, Placebo Power, Positive Thinking, Propaganda, Psychiatry, Psychology, Pupilometrics, Qi Gong, Radionics, Rebirthing (& Prebirthing), Self-Healing, Semiotics, Sexology, Sleepwalking, Spiritual Science (for want of a better term), Subliminal Perception, Synchronicity, Tai Chi, Transpersonal Psychology, Yoga, etc. <> MIND over MEAT is the theme ... anything and everything goes from standard Neo-Freudian Psychology to the farthest reaches of The Matrix and Mass Mind Control (including Escape Strategies, naturally).

Contents —> (1) Mass Formation Psychosis. (2) Who We Are is Not What We Are. (3) Blue Pill Lifestyles. (4) No Escape Without Help. (5) The Supplement Scam. (6) Retroactive Hallucinations. (7) Is Genius Madness With Benefits? (8) Synchronicity & Frodo Baggins. (9) Yogis Wake Up Early. (10) Grief Targets the Lungs. (11) Mind Hacking Q & A. (12) Nitty-Gritty Never Met a Third Eye.

Mind Over Matter Journal #7 (May 2023)

$9.99(30 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF)


MIND OVER MATTER JOURNAL #7 (May 2023), in the tradition of issues 1,2, 3, 4, 5, & 6, covers diverse MIND-RELATED subjects, including, but not limited to —> Animal Magnetism, Biofeedback, Body Language, Brainwashing, Mass Formation Psychosis, Color Recycling, Creative Visualization, Curanderismo, Devotional Ecstasy, Dowsing, Entheogens, Extrasensory Perception, Fourth Way Philosophy, Gurdjieffian Approximations, Hive Mind, Hypnotism, Laws of Attraction, Lucid Dreaming, The Matrix Allegory, Mass Psychogenic Illness, Meditation, Mesmerism, MIND HACKING, Muscle Response Testing, Morphic Resonance, Mythology, Organ Language, Parapsychology, Placebo Power, Positive Thinking, Propaganda, Psychiatry, Psychology, Pupilometrics, Qi Gong, Radionics, Rebirthing (& Prebirthing), Self-Healing, Semiotics, Sexology, Sleepwalking, Spiritual Science (for want of a better term), Subliminal Perception, Synchronicity, Tai Chi, Transpersonal Psychology, Yoga, etc. <> MIND over MEAT is the theme … anything and everything goes from standard Neo-Freudian Psychology to the farthest reaches of The Matrix and Mass Mind Control (including Escape Strategies, naturally).

Contents —> (1) Medical Police State. (2) There Is No Free Will. (3) Our Illusion of Free Will. (4) Suggestion As to Time. (5) In the Grip of a Voice (6) Influence of Spheres. (7) Jogging Too Much?. (8) Is Your Cough In Your Mind? (9) Mind Over Moles. (10) The Quest For the Ion. (11) Synchronicity. (12) My Longest Hitchhiking Ride.

Mind Over Matter Journal #6 (Apr. 2023)

$9.99(26 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF)


MIND OVER MATTER JOURNAL #6 (Apr. 2023), in the tradition of issues 1,2, 3, 4, & 5, covers diverse MIND-RELATED subjects, including, but not limited to —> Animal Magnetism, Biofeedback, Body Language, Brainwashing, Color Recycling, Creative Visualization, Curanderismo, Devotional Ecstasy, Dowsing, Entheogens, Extrasensory Perception, Fourth Way Philosophy, Gurdjieffian Approximations, Hive Mind, Hypnotism, Laws of Attraction, Lucid Dreaming, The Matrix Allegory, Mass Psychogenic Illness, Meditation, Mesmerism, MIND HACKING, Muscle Response Testing, Morphic Resonance, Mythology, Organ Language, Parapsychology, Placebo Power, Positive Thinking, Propaganda, Psychiatry, Psychology, Pupilometrics, Qi Gong, Radionics, Rebirthing (& Prebirthing), Self-Healing, Semiotics, Sexology, Sleepwalking, Spiritual Science (for want of a better term), Subliminal Perception, Synchronicity, Tai Chi, Transpersonal Psychology, Yoga, etc. <> MIND over MEAT is the theme ... anything and everything goes from standard Neo-Freudian Psychology to the farthest reaches of The Matrix and Mass Mind Control (including Escape Strategies, naturally).

Contents —> (1) Habit Is the Flywheel of Society. (2) The Madness of Crowds. (3) Criminals and Geniuses. (4) Mind Over Supplements. (5) Psychic Warfare? (6) Floating In the Air. (7) Cerebral Sympathy. (8) Psychological or Psychosomatic? (9) The Will to Illness. (10) Grief & the Lungs. (11) Mind Hacking Yourself. (12) Why You Mind Hack.

Mind Over Matter Journal #5 (Mar. 2023)

$9.99(22 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


MIND OVER MATTER JOURNAL #5 (Mar. 2023), in the tradition of issues 1,2, 3, & 4, covers diverse MIND-RELATED subjects, including, but not limited to —> Animal Magnetism, Biofeedback, Body Language, Brainwashing, Color Recycling, Creative Visualization, Curanderismo, Devotional Ecstasy, Dowsing, Entheogens, Extrasensory Perception, Fourth Way Philosophy, Gurdjieffian Approximations, Hive Mind, Hypnotism, Laws of Attraction, Lucid Dreaming, The Matrix Allegory, Mass Psychogenic Illness, Meditation, Mesmerism, MIND HACKING, Muscle Response Testing, Morphic Resonance, Mythology, Organ Language, Parapsychology, Placebo Power, Positive Thinking, Propaganda, Psychiatry, Psychology, Pupilometrics, Qi Gong, Radionics, Rebirthing (& Prebirthing), Self-Healing, Semiotics, Sexology, Sleepwalking, Spiritual Science (for want of a better term), Subliminal Perception, Synchronicity, Tai Chi, Transpersonal Psychology, Yoga, etc. <> MIND over MEAT is the theme ... anything and everything goes from standard Neo-Freudian Psychology to the farthest reaches of The Matrix and Mass Mind Control (including Escape Strategies, naturally).

Contents —> (1) Memes As Virus, (2) Weaponized Anxiety-Neuroses, (3) Is History His Story?, (4) Beingness & Consciousness, (5) Environmental "Mind", (6) Shades of Gray, (7) Direct Will-Transmission, (8) Magnetizing Toothache, (9) Mind Over Fascia, (10) Religious Traumas, (11) Do Hives Have a Who?, (12) Mind Hacking Sexual Shocks.

Mind Over Matter Journal #4 (Feb. 2023)

$9.99(22 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


MIND OVER MATTER JOURNAL #4 (Feb. 2023), in the tradition of issues 1,2, & 3, groups together miscellaneous MIND-RELATED subjects, including, but not limited to —> Animal Magnetism, Biofeedback, Body Language, Brainwashing, Color Recycling, Creative Visualization, Curanderismo, Devotional Ecstasy, Dowsing, Entheogens, Extrasensory Perception, Fourth Way Philosophy, Gurdjieffian Approximations, Hive Mind, Hypnotism, Laws of Attraction, Lucid Dreaming, The Matrix Allegory, Mass Psychogenic Illness, Meditation, Mesmerism, MIND HACKING, Muscle Response Testing, Morphic Resonance, Mythology, Organ Language, Parapsychology, Placebo Power, Positive Thinking, Propaganda, Psychiatry, Psychology, Pupilometrics, Qi Gong, Radionics, Rebirthing (& Prebirthing), Self-Healing, Semiotics, Sexology, Sleepwalking, Spiritual Science (for want of a better term), Subliminal Perception, Synchronicity, Tai Chi, Transpersonal Psychology, Yoga, etc. <> MIND over MEAT is the theme ... anything and everything goes from standard Neo-Freudian Psychology to the farthest reaches of The Matrix and Mass Mind Control (including Escape Strategies, naturally).

Contents —> (1) Five Cyberspace Research Tips, (2) No Use to Oppose Him, (3) A Kinder Unconscious, (4) Chemical Imbalance Theory, (5) Is Humor Hostile?, (6) The Rat Tickler, (7) Tickling, Sex, & Orgasm, (8) Two Cars & a Wedding, (9) Animal Communication, (10) Eating While Mesmerized, (11) Patience While Mesmerizing, (12) Magnetizing Children.

Mind Over Matter Journal #3 (Jan. 2023)

$9.99(24 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


MIND OVER MATTER JOURNAL #3 (Jan. 2023), in the tradition of issues 1 & 2, groups together miscellaneous MIND-RELATED subjects, including, but not limited to —> Animal Magnetism, Biofeedback, Body Language, Brainwashing, Color Recycling, Creative Visualization, Curanderismo, Devotional Ecstasy, Dowsing, Entheogens, Extrasensory Perception, Fourth Way Philosophy, Gurdjieffian Approximations, Hive Mind, Hypnotism, Laws of Attraction, Lucid Dreaming, The Matrix Allegory, Mass Psychogenic Illness, Meditation, Mesmerism, MIND HACKING, Muscle Response Testing, Morphic Resonance, Mythology, Organ Language, Parapsychology, Placebo Power, Positive Thinking, Propaganda, Psychiatry, Psychology, Pupilometrics, Qi Gong, Radionics, Rebirthing (& Prebirthing), Self-Healing, Semiotics, Sexology, Sleepwalking, Spiritual Science (for want of a better term), Subliminal Perception, Synchronicity, Tai Chi, Transpersonal Psychology, Yoga, etc. <> MIND over MEAT is the theme ... anything and everything goes from standard Neo-Freudian Psychology to the farthest reaches of The Matrix and Mass Mind Control (including Escape Strategies, naturally).

Contents —> (1) The Great Gama, (2) Cultural Trance, (3) Mental Engineering, (4) Double Consciousness, (5) Mesmerism's Curative Powers, (6) Healing Corneal Blindness, (7) Bad Magnetism?, (8) Kundalini Is a Spare Tire, (9) Five Finger Exercises, (10) Psychic Power At Your Fingertips, (11) Delicate Mind Hacking, (12) The Royal Superhighway

Mind Over Matter Journal #2 (Dec. 2022)

$9.99(25 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


MIND OVER MATTER JOURNAL #2 (Dec. 2022), in the tradition of issue #1, groups together miscellaneous MIND-RELATED subjects, including, but not limited to —> Animal Magnetism, Biofeedback, Body Language, Brainwashing, Color Recycling, Creative Visualization, Curanderismo, Devotional Ecstasy, Dowsing, Entheogens, Extrasensory Perception, Fourth Way Philosophy, Gurdjieffian Approximations, Hive Mind, Hypnotism, Laws of Attraction, Lucid Dreaming, The Matrix Allegory, Mass Psychogenic Illness, Meditation, Mesmerism, MIND HACKING, Muscle Response Testing, Morphic Resonance, Mythology, Organ Language, Parapsychology, Placebo Power, Positive Thinking, Propaganda, Psychiatry, Psychology, Pupilometrics, Qi Gong, Radionics, Rebirthing (& Prebirthing), Self-Healing, Semiotics, Sexology, Sleepwalking, Spiritual Science (for want of a better term), Subliminal Perception, Synchronicity, Tai Chi, Transpersonal Psychology, Yoga, etc. <> MIND over MEAT is the theme ... anything and everything goes from standard Neo-Freudian Psychology to the farthest reaches of The Matrix and Mass Mind Control (including Escape Strategies, naturally).

Contents —> (1) Altruistic Egoism, (2) Therapeutic Movement, (3) Social Contagion, (4) The Jumping Frenchmen, (5) Seeing With Closed Eyes, (6) More Mesmeric Phenomena, (7) Words Matter, (8) Father Sky & Mother Earth, (9) Money Magnets, (10) Mind Hacking Example, (11) Mind Hacking Q & A, (12) Mind Hacking Is Pro-Human.

Mind Over Matter Journal #1 (Nov. 2022)

$9.99(23 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


MIND OVER MATTER JOURNAL #1 groups together miscellaneous MIND-RELATED subjects, including, but not limited to —> Animal Magnetism, Biofeedback, Body Language, Brainwashing, Color Recycling, Creative Visualization, Curanderismo, Devotional Ecstasy, Dowsing, Entheogens, Extrasensory Perception, Fourth Way Philosophy, Gurdjieffian Approximations, Hive Mind, Hypnotism, Laws of Attraction, Lucid Dreaming, The Matrix Allegory, Mass Psychogenic Illness, Meditation, Mesmerism, MIND HACKING, Muscle Response Testing, Morphic Resonance, Mythology, Organ Language, Parapsychology, Placebo Power, Positive Thinking, Propaganda, Psychiatry, Psychology, Pupilometrics, Qi Gong, Radionics, Rebirthing (& Prebirthing), Self-Healing, Semiotics, Sexology, Sleepwalking, Spiritual Science (for want of a better term), Subliminal Perception, Synchronicity, Tai Chi, Transpersonal Psychology, Yoga, etc. <> MIND over MEAT is the theme ... anything and everything goes from standard Neo-Freudian Psychology to the farthest reaches of The Matrix and Mass Mind Control (including Escape Strategies, naturally).

Contents —> (1) The Irish Touch Doctor, (2) Miracles of Mesmerism?, (3) Sickness Not Unto Death, (4) Mesmerism Cures St. Vitus Dance, (5) Dancing & Laughing Plagues, (6) Homeopathy or Suggestion?, (7) Therapeutic Suggestion, (8) Projection of Ego-Rays, (9) Senile Cunning Rich Majority?, (10) Honor Among Dogs, (11) Stop Working For The Man, (12) Beyond Mind Hacking.

Q & A Journals

Q & A Journal #8 (Jan. 2022)

$9.99(47 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


My horoscope said, "And he mounted his horse and rode off in all directions." I'm a Library Educated Dissident with an addiction for books ... and magazines ... and newspapers ... and whatever else has writing on it. I even worked in the Audiovisual Department at the Boston Public Library in 1974. Then I accessed the information superhighway — a Library Educated Dissident's wet dream! I've asked a lot of questions, so it's only fair that I pay it forward by answering other people's questions. I get many questions (private and on One Radio Network, Facebook, etc.) so I've decided to collect and publish some of them — with answers, of course.

Q & A Journal #7 (Dec. 2021)

$9.99(42 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


My horoscope said, "And he mounted his horse and rode off in all directions." I'm a Library Educated Dissident with an addiction for books ... and magazines ... and newspapers ... and whatever else has writing on it. I even worked in the Audiovisual Department at the Boston Public Library in 1974. Then I accessed the information superhighway — a Library Educated Dissident's wet dream! I've asked a lot of questions, so it's only fair that I pay it forward by answering other people's questions. I get many questions (private and on One Radio Network, Facebook, etc.) so I've decided to collect and publish some of them — with answers, of course.

Q & A Journal #6 (Nov. 2021)

$9.99(61 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


My horoscope said, "And he mounted his horse and rode off in all directions." I'm a Library Educated Dissident with an addiction for books ... and magazines ... and newspapers ... and whatever else has writing on it. I even worked in the Audiovisual Department at the Boston Public Library in 1974. Then I accessed the information superhighway — a Library Educated Dissident's wet dream! I've asked a lot of questions, so it's only fair that I pay it forward by answering other people's questions. I get many questions (private and on One Radio Network, Facebook, etc.) so I've decided to collect and publish some of them — with answers, of course.

Q & A Journal #5 (Oct. 2021)

$9.99(40 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


My horoscope said, "And he mounted his horse and rode off in all directions." I'm a Library Educated Dissident with an addiction for books ... and magazines ... and newspapers ... and whatever else has writing on it. I even worked in the Audiovisual Department at the Boston Public Library in 1974. Then I accessed the information superhighway — a Library Educated Dissident's wet dream! I've asked a lot of questions, so it's only fair that I pay it forward by answering other people's questions. I get many questions (private and on One Radio Network, Facebook, etc.) so I've decided to collect and publish some of them — with answers, of course.

Q & A Journal #4 (Sept. 2021)

$9.99(43 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


My horoscope said, "And he mounted his horse and rode off in all directions." I'm a Library Educated Dissident with an addiction for books ... and magazines ... and newspapers ... and whatever else has writing on it. I even worked in the Audiovisual Department at the Boston Public Library in 1974. Then I accessed the information superhighway — a Library Educated Dissident's wet dream! I've asked a lot of questions, so it's only fair that I pay it forward by answering other people's questions. I get many questions (private and on One Radio Network, Facebook, etc.) so I've decided to collect and publish some of them — with answers, of course.

Q & A Journal #3 (Aug. 2021)

$9.99(40 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


My horoscope said, "And he mounted his horse and rode off in all directions." I'm a Library Educated Dissident with an addiction for books ... and magazines ... and newspapers ... and whatever else has writing on it. I even worked in the Audiovisual Department at the Boston Public Library in 1974. Then I accessed the information superhighway — a Library Educated Dissident's wet dream! I've asked a lot of questions, so it's only fair that I pay it forward by answering other people's questions. I get many questions (private and on One Radio Network, Facebook, etc.) so I've decided to collect and publish some of them — with answers, of course.

Q & A Journal #2 (July 2021)

$9.99(59 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


My horoscope said, "And he mounted his horse and rode off in all directions." I'm a Library Educated Dissident with an addiction for books ... and magazines ... and newspapers ... and whatever else has writing on it. I even worked in the Audiovisual Department at the Boston Public Library in 1974. Then I accessed the information superhighway — a Library Educated Dissident's wet dream! I've asked a lot of questions, so it's only fair that I pay it forward by answering other people's questions. I get many questions (private and on One Radio Network, Facebook, etc.) so I've decided to collect and publish some of them — with answers, of course.

Q & A Journal #1 (June 2021)

$9.99(40 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


My horoscope said, "And he mounted his horse and rode off in all directions." I'm a Library Educated Dissident with an addiction for books ... and magazines ... and newspapers ... and whatever else has writing on it. I even worked in the Audiovisual Department at the Boston Public Library in 1974. Then I accessed the information superhighway — a Library Educated Dissident's wet dream! I've asked a lot of questions, so it's only fair that I pay it forward by answering other people's questions. I get many questions (private and on One Radio Network, Facebook, etc.) so I've decided to collect and publish some of them — with answers, of course.

Secrets Of the World Serpent

Secrets Of the World Serpent #2 (Sept. 2021)

$9.99(34 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


Secrets of the World Serpent #2 continues to spotlight the DARK STATE and the secret machinations of power. Even paranoids have enemies! Benjamin Disraeli warned us in 1844, "The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes." Ralph Waldo Emerson essayed in 1883, "Society everywhere is in conspiracy against the manhood of every one of its members." Theodore Roosevelt declared in 1912, "Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. Henry Ford wrote in 1922, "The real rulers of a nation are undiscoverable." Mikhail Gorbachev speechified in 1988. "Further world progress is now possible only through the search for a consensus of all mankind, in movement toward a new world order." George H.W. Bush affirmed in 1990, "Out of these troubled times, our objective — a new world order — can emerge. Today, that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one we have known." Klaus Schwab pronounced in 2016, "The problem that we have is not globalization. The problem is a lack of global governance." Secrets focuses on the worldwide manufacturing of consent and its system-supportive propaganda function.

Contents —> (1) Nuremberg for Needle Nazis, (2) Pardoned By Donald Trump, (3) "I Want Everyone Armed!", (4) U.S. Guns In Mexico, (5) Quit Your Job & Mind Hack, (6) The Myth of the One Percent, (7) Afghani-SCAM Distraction, (8) Classroom Class Classification, (9) Government Schooling Sucks, (10) The Medical Police State, (11) Fluoride Is Hazardous Waste, (12) Fluoride & the Manhattan Project.

Secrets Of the World Serpent #1 (Aug. 2021)

$9.99(33 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


Secrets of the World Serpent spotlights the DARK STATE and the secret machinations of power. Even paranoids have enemies. Conspiracies flourished when I was a 1950s high school student, the foremost being the "Red scare." Check out all the 1950s publications by the U.S. Government Printing Office titled "The Communist Conspiracy," written as if Alex Jones were on crystal meth. Conspiracies were deliberately stigmatized in the 1960s by (guess what?) a government conspiracy — a plot to make common folks look loony for daring to question "fact checkers" and "news accuracy experts." My essays focus on the worldwide manufacturing of consent and its system-supportive propaganda function.

SEX Newsletters

SEX Newsletter #6 (Apr. 2021)

$9.99(21 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


SEX Newsletter #6 (April 2021) — Contents —> (1) Worshiping the Masculine Member, (2) Phallic Rule In Athens, (3) Where Else Was a Roman to Go?, (4) Charging Bulls & Struggling Horses, (5) Phallic Charms & Phallic Saints, (6) The Door of Life, (7) If Thy Genitals Offend Thee, (8) Avicenna's Concupiscence, (9) Betrayal of One's Inner Self, (10) Ron "The Hedgehog" Jeremy, (11) The Amazing Mr. Lifto, (12) Sex In Hollywood #6 (Carole Lombard).

Here is the sixth edition of SEX Newsletter/Mini-Book. In this issue —> Is a pyramid a male or female sex symbol? A mountain? Noah's ark? The Ark of the Covenant? A horseshoe? Some of you will be surprised. Why would 100,000 people cut off their men- and lady-parts? The Hedgehog is definitely not an endorsement of seminal retention. What does Mr. Lifto lift and what does he use to lift it? And, of course, more sexual adventures in Celluloid City.

SEX Newsletter #5 (Mar. 2021)

$9.99(26 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


SEX Newsletter #5 (Mar. 2021) — Contents —> (1) Sexual Spending, (2) Dealing With a Censure, (3) Upside-Down Uterus, (4) The Placenta's Invasion, (5) Love & Pain In Courtship, (6) Man Boobs, (7) Breasts & Self-Nurturing, (8), Sex Worker Versus Governor, (9) Sex & Social Distancing, (10) Scarlet Is a Sex Builder, (11) Was Adano Ley Celibate?, (12) Sex In Hollywood #5 (Howard Hughes).

Here's the fifth edition of SEX Newsletter. Each issue is really a mini-book rather than a newsletter. In this issue —> How do you turn an upside-down womb right-side up? Is love painful for a biological reason? Will the color scarlet make you horny? Howard Hughes did what and with which to Hopalong Cassidy? What about Gary Cooper? If you think Sex in Hollywood is wild and woolly nowadays, it was even more so during Sin City's Golden Age.

SEX Newsletter #4 (Feb. 2021)

$9.99(28 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


SEX Newsletter #4 (Feb. 2021) — Contents —> (1) Getting Wood, (2) King Tut's Woody, (3) Sexual Charge & Discharge, (4) Testosterone & Man Boobs, (5) James Marion Sims, (6) Touch & Pressure Uterine Exam, (7) He Used a Toothbrush For What?, (8) Alfred Charles Kinsey, (9) Voodoo Queen Marie, (10), The Winged Penis, (11) Sex In Hollywood #3 (Scotty Bowers), (12) Sex In Hollywood #4 (Kim Fahey).

Here's the second issue of 2021, mixing the therapeutic and the educational with the erotic and the exotic. What's the scoop on prostate massage? More evidence against seminal retention. Why was the Father of Modern Gynecology's statue removed from Central Park? A toothbrush is only defined by the user. Was Kinsey a masochist? Voodoo meets love, sex, & dancing in New Orleans. Are flying & sex related? Double the Sex In Hollywood in this issue!

SEX Newsletter #3 (Jan. 2021)

$9.99(28 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


Here's the first issue of 2021, mixing the therapeutic and the educational with the erotic and the exotic. Are pheromones for real? Can dancing (or even watching it) create sexual potency? Did Jackie Kennedy fool around? There's lots more too!

Contents —> (1) Sex & the Heart, (2) Sex & the Eyes, (3) Infrared Sex Pheromones, (4) Dancing & Tumescence, (5) A Passion For Men, (6) Scarlet Is a Sex Builder, (7) The Wedding Ring Meridian, (8) Phallic Worship, (9) Prison Sex Story, (10), Uterus & Stomach, (11) Auto-Eroticism, (12) Sex In Hollywood #2 (Male Madam to the Stars).

SEX Newsletter #2 (Dec. 2020)

$9.99(26 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


The December issue of SEX Newsletter was released on Nov. 16, 2020. The lengthiest feature is "Menstruation Curiosities," and to call them "curiosities" is an understatement — women can menstruate out of their breasts, mouth, eyes, ears, toes, etc., and men can menstruate too. "Sex & Hollywood" will be an ongoing feature, getting down to the real nitty-gritty, free of all the conspiracy baloney — Hollywood *does* have a dark side, but it has a shiny side too.

Contents (following a longer-than-usual introduction) —> (1) Sacred Sex & Left Big Toe, (2) Green For Fertility, (3) Orange & Genital Herpes, (4) God Protects ME!, (5) The Mating Dance, (6) Menstruation Curiosities, (7) Kinky Schopenhauer, (8) King John of Leiden, (9) Urinary Tract Infections, (10) Instant Cystitis Cure, (11) Sex & Hollywood #1 (Kenneth Anger), (12) Thelema & Magick.

SEX Newsletter #1 (Nov. 2020)

$9.99(26 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


Welcome to Atom's monthly newsletter about normal sex, abnormal sex, marital sex, extramarital sex, esoteric sex, healthy sex, therapeutic sex, scientific sex, laboratory sex, Yogic sex, Tantric sex, Taoist sex, Reichian sex, Freudian sex, Jungian sex, immaculate sex, circadian sex, kinky sex, bizarre sex, animal sex, performance sex, pornographic sex, historical sex, biographical sex, robotic sex, etc.

Titles of subjects in this month's issue are —> (1) St. Anthony's Prayer, (2) Tantra Is a Verb, (3) Spending It versus Saving It, (4) Phallic Exhibition, (5) The Goat-Gland Doctor, (6) Under Stanley's Scalpel, (7) Forced Abortion Story, (8) Abortion Foot Geometry, (9) Extended Menstruation, (10) Cell-Abate versus Cell-Negate, (11) A Raging Hard-On, (12) Pox versus Halter.

Turd Eye Newsletters

Turd Eye Newsletter #5 (Apr. 2022)

$9.99(28 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


How toxic is iron? How constipating is it? Are there downsides to donating blood? What can be done for heartburn? What can sugar detox? Can tequila be used against parasites? Etc.

Contents —> (1) Vegetarian Vampire, (2) Iron Overload, (3) Blood Transfusions, (4) Inspection & Palpation, (5) Cascara Sagrada (Sacred Bark), (6) Deconstructing Heartburn, (7) Detoxing Heavy Metals, (8) 30 Day Parasite Cleanse, (9) Artificial Feeding of Infants, (10) Most of Me Is Not My Brain, (11) Oat-Stones (Avenoliths), (12) Questions & Answers.

Turd Eye Newsletter #4 (Mar. 2022)

$9.99(24 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


This entire issue is dedicated to the gall bladder. Are those really gall stones when you do a gall bladder flush? What predisposes people to gall bladder disease? Can gall stones attack other organs? Can black pepper cause gall stones?

Contents —> (1) Gall Bladder Purge, (2) Green Soapy Stones, (3) Olive Oil Solvent, (4) Gall Bladder Stones, (5) Gall Bladder Inflammation, (6) Gall Stone Examples, (7) Gall Stones & Pancreatitis, (8) Gall Bladder Surgery, (9) Gall Stones & Lipofuscin, (10) Gall Stones & Black Pepper, (11) Cultivating Gall, (12) Gall Bladder Miscellany.

Turd Eye Newsletter #3 (Mar. 2021)

$9.99(24 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


Are endotoxins good, bad, or ugly? What about probiotics and endotoxins? Are meats or veggies more digestible? Does the gall bladder "cleanse" work? What is margaric acid and what does it have to do with fake gallstones? Important info about massaging the intestines. Using electrical current to treat constipation and hemorrhoids.

Contents —> (1) Endotoxins? Yes, No, Maybe, (2) Vitamin A Is Carotene's Parent, (3) The Digestibility of Food, (4) Diamond Jim Brady, (5) Lubricating the Gall Bladder, (6) Massaging the Intestines, (7) Napoleon's Hemorrhoids, (8) Is the Appendix a Nature Reserve?, (9) Cherishing Old Soil, (10) Caregiver's Constipation, (11) Morton Wave Current, (12) Bowel Obstruction.

Turd Eye Newsletter #2 (Feb. 2021)

$9.99(33 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


Can iron in the gut kill? What does the color of your bowel movement mean? What exactly is autointoxication? Is juicing second-best to eating? What about vegetarianism? How important is the body's liver? Is there an optimum gastrointestinal transit time? What about circadian rhythms?

Contents —> (1) Corn Chip Obstruction, (2) Iron Sulfate Overload, (3) The Color Of Turds, (4) Nothing But Wind, (5) Toxins & Toxicants, (6) Autointoxication, (7), Lipton Tea Remedy, (8) Juicing Fruits & Vegetables, (9) Animal Or Vegetable Food?, (10) Liver Über Alles?, (11) Three Daily Bowel Movements, (12) Shit Happens.

Turd Eye Newsletter #1 (Jan. 2021)

$9.99(28 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


"The Road to Health Is Paved With Good Intestines." "A Fart Is the Cry of an Imprisoned Turd." This issue is endorsed by Winnie the Poo. Now, seriously, 99% of the cutting edge info in this newsletter is geared to high level wellness and intestinal health. Does the gut have a mind of its own? Why can't a homeopath detox without mutating into an allopath? Can we digest and assimilate metal? What's the matter with celery? Is it possible to swallow a sewing needle and have it exit out a foot or a thigh or a vagina? Take a ride with us along the food tube from mouth to anus, and visit the molecules in between.

Contents —> (1) Roundworm Story, (2) The Intelligent Food Tube, (3) Digestion & Gentle Exercise, (4) Hair Of the Dog Therapy, (5) Eskimo Veggies & Deer Droppings, (6) You Are What You Eat?, (7) Death By Celery, (8) Feces & Orange Blossoms & LSD, (9) Sodomized With a Colonoscopy, (10) Brown Bowel Disease, (11) Rocks & Sand In the Intestines, (12) Wandering Swallowed Needles.

Yellow Fat Disease

Order separately or get all of these, including future diaries, and the three main volumes in our $99.99 Yellow Fat Disease Compendium package deal…! ($39.90 savings)

Yellow Fat Disease Q & A (Nov. 2021)

$9.99(26 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


YELLOW FAT DISEASE Q & A is the most recent e-book in our series about the Omega 3 Fatty Acid Scam. Are cattle subject to Yellow Fat Disease? Are omega 3 fatty acids good for anything? These and other questions are answered in this edition.

Contents — (1) Linolenic By Its Other Name, (2) Wooden Breast Disease, (3) Iron & Copper & Age Pigment, (4) Parkinson's Disease, (5) Conjugated Linoleic Acid, (6) Safflower Oil, (7) Peat People Vs. Kruse People, (8) George & Mildred Burr, (9) Okinawan Longevity, (10) More Toxic Than Mercury, (11) Eating In Restaurants, (12) Cows & Yellow Fat Disease, (13) Cooling Yellow Fat Disease, (14) You Can't Avoid PUFAs, (15) Thiamine-Induced Convulsions, (16) Exploding Fish-Meal, (17) Half Life of Lipofuscin, (18) Oiling the Skin?, (19) Cottonseed Oil, (20) Yellow Nail Syndrome.

Yellow Fat Disease Redux (2021)

$9.99(29 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


The "evildoers" behind the omega 3 scam are now at odds with another cartel of "evildoers" who devised a way to earn more money (TRILLIONS instead of BILLIONS) by genetically destroying omega 3 fatty acids instead of merchandising them. You can't make this stuff up! Read all about it in the ongoing saga of Yellow Fat Disease (progressive lipofuscinosis).

Contents —> (1) Myocardial Lipofuscinosis, (2) Omega 3 Senility & Steatitis, (3) It's Not Rocket Science, (4) Cod Liver Oil Abuse, (5) Something Fishy In Greenland, (6) Vitamin A & Cod Liver Oil, (7) Questions & Answers, (8) Don't Be a Fish Brain, (9) Linolenic & Linoleic Equivocation, (10) Yellow Central Obesity, (11) Yellow Fat Disease Filter Bubble, (12) Age Spots In the Heart, (13) Why I'm Not a Mitochondriac, (14) Word Magic, (15) 1% Linolenic Acid Soybeans, (16) The World Is On Fire.

Yellow Fat Disease Diary #8 (2020)

$9.99(28 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


YELLOW FAT DISEASE DIARY #8 —> This is my TWELFTH e-book about Yellow Fat Disease (progressive lipofuscinosis). The Omega 3 Deception is worldwide and currently involves Big Pharma, not just dietary supplement gangsters. (Supplement wholesalers selling fish oil and related products should be in jail.) Now in 2020, Big Pharma is seriously in the game. Drug companies are already selling two EPA / DHA drugs at exorbitant prices — about US $3.00 a capsule. As of this year, eighty-eight (88) new EPA / DHA drugs are in the pipeline. Also, included in this volume, are more new and old revelations about the DHA / EPA / ALA Scam, including the clear and present dangers of fermented cod liver oil — and the straight scoop on the latest FCLO scandal.

This diary is free for people who purchased the YFD Compendium and will be included for future buyers.

Yellow Fat Disease Diary #7 (2020)

$9.99(29 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


This is my eleventh e-book about the omega 3 fatty acids scam. Why do I keep writing about it? The fraud is so OBVIOUS, writing about it is like "shooting fish in a barrel." The evidence is so overwhelming, the books practically write themselves. I feel like the little boy who cried out, "The Emperor has no clothes!" The people then realize that everyone has been fooled — at least in the old fairy tale meant for children. But in today's fairy tale meant for adults — America's Medical Police State edition — no one seems to notice. Dear reader, maybe you will grok the TRUTH — "The Emperor has no clothes!"

This diary is free for people who purchased the YFD Compendium and will be included for future buyers.

Yellow Fat Disease Diary #6 (2020)

$9.99(24 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


The Adventure Continues! Sometimes I feel like Remo Williams running on top of the water, wondering if he stepped on any fish. Fish and sea life are OK as long as they're low in DHA / EPA / ALA. The evidence is overwhelming — omega 3 fatty acids are NOT our friends. Here's more evidence piled on top of my other evidence. Don't be fooled by the Linolenic Acid Cartels.

This diary is free for people who purchased the YFD Compendium and will be included for future buyers.

Yellow Fat Disease Diary #5 (2019)

$9.99(23 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


If there isn't something to omega 3 fatty acids causing Yellow Fat Disease, where am I getting all this material for so many books? The orange roughy is the fish lowest in DHA, and it can live 149 years. A wild salmon is one of the highest fish in DHA, yet it's extremely lucky if it can reach 8 or 9 years. Monsanto has been covertly making big bucks off of Yellow Fat Disease since the 1950s, and will continue to do so unless consumers wake up from their "fish oil is just dandy" trance. Highly unsaturated fatty acids are the power behind the drone of Early Onset Dementia — Old Age for Younger People.

Yellow Fat Disease Diary #4 (2018)

$9.99(26 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


Over 99% of "experts" are wrong about omega 3 fatty acids. They assume that DHA and EPA are indispensable for brain growth. They believe linoleic and linolenic fatty acids are "essential." They know ZERO about Yellow Fat Disease (Omega 3 Disease). Very few publicly know otherwise, and I'm one of those few. But, privately, others DO know otherwise, including many Monsanto executives and employees. Monsanto has been stealthily forestalling Yellow Fat Disease in farmed fish since the early 1950s. So, obviously, many fish farmers know the truth too. What does Monsanto's newest globally-approved soybean have to do with farmed fish and Yellow Fat Disease? Monsanto and other giant corporations have stepped up their efforts against Yellow Fat Disease, while medical and holistic "experts" continue to "not have a clue."

Yellow Fat Disease Diary #3 (2018)

$9.99(26 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


Why won't your favorite health gurus warn you about DHA? Why do they extol its virtues to all and sundry? How did 99.99% (99 point 99 percent) of all mainstream physicians and holistic wellness practitioners buy into the DHA Deception? Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is a slow acting poison, a major contributor to Waxy Yellow Fat Disease (progressive lipofuscinosis). The other (n-3) oils are bad actors too, including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). If you're taking fish oil, cod liver oil, algae-based DHA, flax oil, hemp oil, chia oil, or soy oil, you might want to investigate the numerous serious side effects. Can vitamin E protect you against Yellow Fat Disease? It can protect you against the DHA/EPA/ALA it can reach — but there are many hideouts in a human body allegedly containing 30 to 40 trillion cells.

Yellow Fat Disease Diary #2 (2018)

$9.99(24 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB)


DHA? Isn't that the stuff that builds the brain? No, it SWELLS the brain. Anyone wanting to put on water weight only needs to look to the water — seafood. DHA, EPA, and ALA assault the liver. It's death by a thousand paper cuts — death by free radicals. Someone asked, "If I can't get my DHA from fish oil, can I get it from krill oil? Or algae?" I replied, "That's like asking, 'If I can't get my lead from leaded paint, can I get it from leaded gasoline or from licking lead fishing lures?' Whether it's in paint, gasoline, bullets, Chinese herbs, or older housing, lead is lead is lead is lead. And a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose. And DHA is DHA is DHA is DHA. Why are desert people the healthiest and longest-lived people on Earth? Read this book and find out.

Yellow Fat Disease Diary #1 (2017)

$9.99(18 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB; MOBI)


Why do I keep writing so much about Yellow Fat Disease and the omega 3 fatty acids that are its chief underlying cause? Because it's so amazingly easy to dig up the dirt on DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), and ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). These so-called "nutrients" — whether from fish, krill, or algae — are all toxic. They're not essential for the brain — they harm the brain. They don't prevent heart attacks — they promote them. What do Monsanto, Eastman Chemical, and a Houston-based fracking company have to do with Yellow Fat Disease? Find out this and more in this first edition of Yellow Fat Disease Diary.

Age Spots / Omega 3 Barcodes —
The Truth About Infectious Lipofuscin Bodies (2017)

$9.99(20 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB; MOBI)


An age spot (liver spot) is an Omega 3 Barcode. Its underlying cause is omega 3 fatty acids — DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), and ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). Marketed as ANTI-inflammatory, fish oil, algae oil, cod liver oil, chia oil, flaxseed oil, hemp oil, perilla oil, etc., are all PRO-inflammatory. But why is DHA in breast milk? Because Mom supplemented with fish or seed oil. DHA shrinks baby's brain rather than grows it, and shrinks and ages older brains too in the form of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Lou Gehrig's diseases. (These diseases can be reversed.) The fish oil/seed oil fraud is the biggest supplement scam of them all — not only stealing your hard-earned cash, but aging and killing you by a thousand paper cuts as well. Who notices a few months or years shaved off their lives? Fish and seed oils put the "age" in age spots. And for every age spot on the surface of your skin, you may have as many as 10,000 or even 100,000 age spots (all mushed together like marshmallows) inside your body in the form of chronic lipofuscinosis — Yellow Fat Disease. 1 review

More …

How to Consult the I Ching: The Rhythm Method of Earth Control

$9.99(9 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB; MOBI)


©1976, 2015, by Atom Bergstrom. All rights reserved.

An Introductory Guide to the I Ching (The Chinese book of changes) including a glossary and a bibliography.

Living to Live Doesn't Have Time

$9.99(10 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF; EPUB; MOBI)


©2016 by Atom Bergstrom. All rights reserved.

Living to Live Doesn't Have Time is about addiction, allergy, and volition (will power), according to Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty). Allergy, considered "bad," when carried to its most extreme polarity, becomes "good" — "Cleanliness is next to Godliness is celestial allergy."

Sufinary — Sufi Is NOT an Ism

$3.99(6 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, PDF)


©2005-2009 by Atom Bergstrom. All rights reserved.

Sufinary is a short (mostly esoteric) lexicon of ±140 Sufi terms. (“If you answer those who blame, when will you do The Work?”)